Sunday, July 14, 2024

July 2024 Newsletter


 2024 Upcoming meetings  

July 20 - Sue - mini baskets
August 17 - Kaleidoscope - Andrea
September 21 - Virginia TBA
October 19 - Julie McCullough Day at Franklin Road Library Branch
November 16 - 2024 Challenge Dolls:  In the Woods
December 21 - Christmas Party

July Birthdays

Nita and Danielle celebrate their birthdays this July.  Happy Birthday ladies!

June Meeting Minutes

Present for our June meeting were Maggie, Virginia, Sue, Kathryn, Deb, Mary, Joan, Andrea, Ann R., Julie W., Leslie, Julie G., Ann C., and Jude. Mary was our nametag winner.

Show and Tell

Leslie started off show and tell with a purchased Topsy Turvy doll she had purchased  to celebrate world doll day.  She was made in the early 1900's, has sculpted faces and was in pretty good shape for that age.

Leslie's Topsy Turvy Doll

Back of doll

Other face of doll

Andrea announced she will be missing our September meeting as she will be teaching a hand piecing quilt class at the John C. Campbell Folk School.  We are thrilled for you Andrea, your students will be amazed with your instruction!

Joan's dragon is nearly complete. Congratulations, Joan, he is wonderful!

Joan's Book 

Mary is excited that she will be a great-grandmother in a few more months.

Deb is working on doll bodies.  We can't wait to see what you are making, Deb!

June 15, 2024, Business Meeting

Leslie and Ann R. are our outreach committee.  They announced that UFDC would like to be a sister club! A future combined meeting was discussed to possibly be held in May 2025 at a location convenient for both groups.  We are looking forward to sharing our dolls with this wonderful group of collectors.  We also discussed our future spring 2025 class which Barbara Schoenoff will be presenting for us.


Kathryn presented our program on Felt Embroidery.  She brought many samples for us to see.  Your work is amazing, Kathryn.  We are definitely inspired by your work.  She made kits for us to make our very own Hand Embroidered Felt pin cushion.  Sue Spargo is a fabulous instructor with this technique and Kathryn brought books Sue has written and a sampler she created from one of Sue's patterns.  Following are pictures of her creations and class work.

Thank you, Kathryn, for an excellent program on a fun project!

Next Meeting

Our next meeting is July 20, 2024, at the Irvington Branch Library at 10:00 a.m.  Our meeting room is on the right upon entering the library.  
5625 East Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46219
Sue is presenting the program on mini-baskets and she requested members bring a pair of paper scissors.  She will provide everything else.  

Future Events

October 19, 2024, 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Julie McCullough Open House at the Franklin Road library branch
November 16 - meeting Challenge "In the Woods" due
November 23. 2024 Annual Show and Sale - Year of the Dragon

Check list for July meeting
Show and Tell
Paper scissors to participate in Sue's program.

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