Monday, June 10, 2024

June 2024 Newsletter

 2024 Upcoming meetings  

June 15 - Felt Embroidery - Kathryn
July 20 - Sue - mini baskets?
August 17 - Kaleidoscope - Andrea
September 21 - ?
October 19 - Julie McCullough Day at Franklin Road Library Branch
November 16 - 2024 Challenge Dolls:  In the Woods
December 21 - Christmas Party

June Birthdays

Martha celebrates her birthday this June.  Hope it was a great one, Martha!

May Meeting Minutes

Present for our May meeting were Maggie, Ann C., Mary, Jude, Andrea, Julie W., and Julie G.  We also welcomed new member Deb Martin!

Show and Tell

Andrea brought her in progress dragon for show and tell.  Of course she had reduced the size from the original pattern.  It is adorable!!

Andrea's Book Dragon in progress

Julie W. also brought her Book Dragon in progress, pretty much done, just needs a few finishing touches.

Julie W.'s Book Dragon in progress

Jude shared her Book Dragon in progress.  She also shared some old patterns that had been given to her.

Jude's Book Dragon in progress

Jude's patterns

Our new member, Deb, brought a doll making book that she had given to her mother-in-law several years ago.  Deb was planning a trip to Hamilton Ontario soon.  We will be anxious to hear about it at the next meeting!

Deb's Doll Making Book

Inside pages from Deb's book

May 18, 2024, Business
Ann C.  will be checking on new signs for the November Show and Sale.  As there has been a conflict on our September open house we may be changing the open house to October 19 instead. Andrea brought in several of Julie McCullough's patterns to share with our members.
Andrea's Julie McCullough patterns
 We are hoping to have Barbara Schoenoff as our guest instructor for a spring class 2025.

Unfortunately, our original presenter was ill today.  Our fearless leader, Andrea, came to the rescue and presented a wonderful program on Eastern European rolled dolls.  This was an interesting variation from the rolled dolls our group has done before.  Thank you, Andrea, for putting together this program at the last minute!  Great job!!
Rolled doll front

Rolled doll back

Andrea's handout

Next Meeting
Our next meeting is June 15, 2024, at the Irvington Branch Library at 10:00 a.m.  Our meeting room is on the right upon entering the library.  
5625 East Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46219
Kathryn is presenting the June program on felt embroidery.

Future Events

October 19, 2024, Julie McCullough Open House at the Franklin Road library branch
November 16 - meeting Challenge "In the Woods" due
November 23. 2024 Annual Show and Sale - Year of the Dragon

Check list for June meeting
Supplies for Kathryn's program:
1.  small pair of sharp fabric scissors
2.  small pair of sharp paper scissors
3.  thimble
4.  pencil
 Kit fee of $15 for Kathryn's program if you want one.
Show and Tell - Dragon people, bring yours if you want

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