Sunday, March 9, 2025

March 2025 Newsletter

   2025 Upcoming meetings

March 15 - Swap meet 
April 19 - Leslie - "not exactly gesso" 
May 11 - Joint meeting with Antique Doll Club
June 21 - Sue and Virginia - armor making
July 19 - Katie - armatures
August 16 - Barb - face sculpting
September 20 - Andrea - making accessories
October 18 - Challenge Dolls and Show planning    
November 15 - Annual Show and Sale
December 20 - Christmas Party

February Birthdays

Julie W. and Colleen celebrate their birthdays this month.  Have a great day ladies!

Meeting Minutes

Present for the February meeting were Julie W., Ann R., Leslie, Mary, Katie, Jude, Joan, Andrea, Ann C., Deb , and Julie G.  We were pleased to have Anita come as a guest. 

Show and Tell

Deb completed the bunnies that had been given to her in pieces at the January meeting.  She named them Carotena and Cabratoer.  Great job, Deb!

Deb's Carotena

Deb's Cabratoer

Jude brought a little horse that she received from fellow doll maker Pat in the Illinois doll club.  Very unique!

Jude's gift horse

Ann C, our Publicity chairman, is looking into ways to promote our club.  Andrea is checking on doing a display at the Central Library.  In May we plan on a month-long display in Greenfield with the IN-fiber group. More info to come as details are worked out.
Our spring class with Barbara Schoenoff is coming up April 12-13.  Participants have received their
 patterns and instructions and some have gotten a good start on the Prince body. 

Katie's Prince body

Katie's Prince with clothes started

Andrea's Prince with pants

Ann C.'s Prince's back side

Katie's Prince with a six pack
Thank you all for bringing your works in progress and tips on construction! It is an ispriation for the rest of us for sure!
In May we will meet with the Antique Doll Club for a luncheon and program.  Members are encouraged to bring a show and tell doll.  Andrea will give a history of Indy Art Doll Makers.

February's program was Seating, Stands, and Staging our dolls.  Several members brought dolls they made in the past to show how they had displayed them.  So many unique ways.  Thanks to all for sharing!

Andrea's Humpty

Leslie's "Jane Austin" by Gail Wilson

Andrea's doll and chair

Andrea's "Ann of Green Gables" and chair

Andrea's Elf from Allison Marano class

Leslie's Fairy on a Vine    

Leslie's doll on boxes

Jude's "Copper" on wood stand

Jude's Fairy on a Pedestal
Ann C.'s Bar Scene

Next Meeting

Our next meeting is March 15, 2025, at the Irvington Branch Library at 10:00 a.m.  Our meeting room is on the right upon entering the library.  
5625 East Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46219
We will be having a swap meet.

Future Events
April 12-13 - Barbara's Beast class
April 30-May31 - exhibit in Greenfield with IN-fiber group
May 10 - Joint meeting with Antique Doll Club
October 18 - Challenge Dolls due (character from book, movie, or play)
November 15, 2025 - Annual Art Doll Show and Holiday Fair

Check list for March meeting
Show and Tell
Items for Swap Meet

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