Tuesday, August 13, 2024

August 2024 Newsletter

  2024 Upcoming meetings  

August 17 - Kaleidoscope - Andrea
September 21 - Virginia TBA
October 19 - Julie McCullough Day at Franklin Road Library Branch
November 16 - 2024 Challenge Dolls:  In the Woods
December 21 - Christmas Party

August Birthdays

Happy Birthday to our new member Deb, and our stupendous president Andrea!

July Meeting Minutes

Present at the July meeting were Deb, Julie W., Virginia, Sue, Jude, Ann C., Julie G., and Andrea.  Deb was our name tag winner.

Show and Tell

Deb completed her very first art doll and did a fabulous job.  She chose Julie McCullough's pattern "Snippets".  She is adorable, Deb!

Deb's first art doll "Snippets"

Julie W. brought three embroidered dolls to share with those who asked about a doll of that type.

Julie W.'s embroidered dolls

Virginia shared that she is starting a new job and is very excited about it.

Sue has been working on some dolls when not traveling.  Her recent Alaska trip included the purchase of some cute Eskimo dolls made by local
artists and some fabric to make an Eskimo doll.

Andrea brought something she found and didn't know what it was.  Members decided it was a handle broken off an antique hand mirror.  Hmmm, wonder what she will make with it???  She also brought a doll she made several years ago from a pattern be Alison Marano featuring fabric manipulation

Andrea's Alison Marano creation

Andrea's mystery item.

Ann C. brought her not quite finished "Goldie" Book Dragon.  Look at those beautiful gold nails and gold beading!  Ann shared she has taken up a new hobby of leather tooling and wants to make a leather book for "Goldie" to hold.

Ann C.'s "Goldie"

July 20, 2024, Business Meeting

We discussed next year's spring class with Barbara Schoenoff.  It will be April 26-27, 2025.  Barbara will be working on patterns for us and members are getting excited.  She will be showing how she makes the Beast from Beauty and the Beast.  Sue and Virginia are party planning for the October Julie McCullough open house on October 19 at the Franklin Road Branch library.  The hours will be 10:30-1:00.  Members are encouraged to bring dolls they have made from Julie McCullough's patterns.  Andrea asked for dolls to put in the library display case for October.  Members should bring Halloween themed dolls to the September meeting.


Sue presented a program on making doll-sized baskets.  She brought kits for members to make their very own baskets.  These were so easy and fun to make with Sue's excellent directions.  Thank you Sue for another great program!

Next Meeting

Our next meeting is August 17, 2024, at the Irvington Branch Library at 10:00 a.m.  Our meeting room is on the right upon entering the library.  
5625 East Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46219
Andrea is presenting our program on making Kaleidoscopes.  Kits will be provided.

Future Events

October 19, 2024, 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Julie McCullough Open House at the Franklin Road library branch
November 16 - meeting Challenge "In the Woods" due
November 23. 2024 Annual Show and Sale - Year of the Dragon 9-3

Check list for August meeting
Show and Tell