Saturday, January 11, 2020

January 2020 Newsletter

January 2020 Newsletter

January 18, 2020 - Chenille Hair demo, swap meet
Remainder of year TBD

Member Birthdays
Happy Birthday to Joan, our only member with a January birthday!

December Meeting Minutes
Members present for our Holiday Meeting were:  Mary, Kathryn, Ann R., Virginia, Joan, Leslie, Sue, Vickie, Ann C., Nita, Jude, Julie G., Ron, and Julie W.  Hope I got everybody.  The sign-in sheet mysteriously disappeared!

Show and Tell
Ann C. brought her "Mac" to show everyone all the detail.  He was the winner of the International/Ethnic Doll Challenge this year as well as the winner of the People's Choice award at the annual Holiday Fair and Doll Show and tied for 1st with Katie's "Jewel" in the October judging.
What a guy!
Ann C.'s Mac

Business Meeting
We had a brief business meeting mingled in with the festivities of the day.  This was our annual Christmas Party and everyone brought tasty delights to nourish us through the mornings activities.
Officers for the coming year were voted for and our officers remain the same for 2020:
President - Andrea
Vice-President Committee - Julie G., Denise, Virginia, and Sue
Secretary/Blog - Julie W.
Treasurer - Jude
Publicity - Katie
Show & Sale - Maggie
Kathryn Walmsley will be presenting our spring class in March teaching her triplet dolls.  She will provide kits and fabrics.  The fee is yet to be determined.  She will bring her sample dolls to an upcoming meeting with more details.
A recap of the November Holiday Fair and Doll Show was done.  Attendance and sales were good.  Ninety five people voted for the People's Choice award.  The charity table did very well and a nice sized check was donated to Hope Center Indy.
We voted to purchase a square that will read chips for credit card purchases for the club to use.
Challenge ideas for 2020 were suggested and narrowed down as the morning went by.  The final vote was for a doll that portrays a woman in history.  Second was for an Edgar Allen Poe related doll which will become our challenge for May.

Sue and Virginia led us in a multi-station participation game.  We divided into two teams. At the first station one member from each team had to unwrap a box wearing oven mitts.  The boxes contained puzzles that were passed onto the next table.  These members had to build a snowman only using chopsticks.  What a challenge!  The puzzles then passed to the next table where participants tried to spoon candy into a bowl without spilling any.  At the next table were drinking cups that had to be stacked into a pyramid.  The final table was where the puzzles were assembled.  It was great fun!  Thank you Sue and Virginia!

We then had our angel gift exchange.  There were many wonderful angels, but unfortunately the photographer (me) failed to get any photos of them, but take my word for it they were wonderful, wonderful angels of all types!

Next Meeting
Our next meeting is Saturday, January 18 at the Irvington Library at 10:00 a.m. Andrea will do a chenille hair demonstration and we will be having a swap meet.  This is a great opportunity to clean out your stash and swap it for something from someone else's stash!
Dues are due in January! You may write a check to Doll Creators for $25 and give it to Jude at the meeting or mail it to her. 
We will be working on programs for the upcoming year.  Let us know what you would like.

Upcoming Events & Challenges
March - Kathryn Walmsley's Triplet Class
May - Edgar Allen Poe Challenge Doll
October - Judging of Woman in History Doll
November - 18th Annual Holiday Art and Doll Show

January Checklist

  •  Name Tag
  •  Dues for 2020
  •  Ideas for 2020 programs