October 2019 Newsletter
Upcoming Meetings.
October 19 - 2019 Challenge Doll Judging of Ethnic/International Doll
November 16 - Reveal of Patti Culea Doll
December 21 - Annual Christmas Party
Please note: This agenda is tentative and subject to change
Member Birthdays
Happy October birthday to our one and only birthday member this month, Barbara!
September Meeting Minutes
Members present in September were Cindy, Leslie, Virginia, Sue, Vicki, Maggie, Katie, Nita, Julie W., Joan, Jude, and Elena. Some members were absent as they were attending classes at John C. Campbell Folk School. We are looking forward to seeing them at the October meeting to hear all about their experiences.
Show and Tell
Julie W. finished her Margot doll from Sue's Labor Day weekend class!
Jude had not finished hers, but brought it to share and see how much she had done. Great colors and fabric, Jude!
Katie had made a Santa for the November Show and Sale Charity table as well as a hedge hog pin cushion for the Charity table.
Elena made a really cute rag doll and a terrific caricature jester head made with hair from a human wig.
Julie W.'s Margot |
Jude's in progress Margot |
Katie's Santa |
Katie's hedge hog pincusion |
Elena made a really cute rag doll and a terrific caricature jester head made with hair from a human wig.
Elena's Rag Doll |
Elena's caricature head |
Nita made a beautiful angel, a sweet heart wall hanging and a neat eye glass case.
Joan shared that she is working on her Margot doll. Keep working, Joan, we know you will get it finished and we're looking forward to seeing her!
Nita's angel, heart, and eyeglass case |
Old Business
The charity table for our Show and Sale was discussed. We plan to have brochures about Hope Center Indy. Items will be made by our members and all proceeds will go to Hope Center Indy. Several members are dressing their blank muslin dollies that were passed out at an earlier meeting and these will be for sale on the charity table. Katie is working on getting a new yard sign for the sale. Maggie will continue to collect for people signing up for a sale table. Cost per table/half table is $15.00 payable to our treasurer, Jude.
After the business meeting, Virginia, Katie, and Sue presented our program about putting hair on your doll. Virginia demonstrated needle felting hair with yarn and talked about other fibers that could be needle felted. Katie showed how to weft hair and apply it, Sue demonstrated how to make a wig cap and cut Tibetan lamb hair for a wig. Great job ladies! Very informative!
Our next meeting is Saturday, October 19 at the Irvington Library at 10:00 a.m. Our International/Ethnic challenge doll is due for judging. This doll will be a character wearing a national costume, international attire, or a personal interpretation of ethnic clothing. A guest judge will judge the dolls in a separate room while we have the regular meeting. Results of the judging will be revealed at the November Show and Sale. If you do not bring your doll for judging at the October meeting, you may still bring it to the Show and Sale to be entered in the Peoples' choice voting.
Virginia giving demo |
Virginia's yarn felting
Katie's wefting |
Sue's demo |
Sue's demo |
Our next meeting is Saturday, October 19 at the Irvington Library at 10:00 a.m. Our International/Ethnic challenge doll is due for judging. This doll will be a character wearing a national costume, international attire, or a personal interpretation of ethnic clothing. A guest judge will judge the dolls in a separate room while we have the regular meeting. Results of the judging will be revealed at the November Show and Sale. If you do not bring your doll for judging at the October meeting, you may still bring it to the Show and Sale to be entered in the Peoples' choice voting.
Upcoming Challenges and Events
October 19 - 2019 Challenge Doll Judging of Ethnic/International Doll
November 16, 2019 - Patti Culea reveal
November 23, 2019 - 17th Annual Holiday Art Fair and Art Doll Show
October Meeting Checklist
- Nametag
- Show and Tell
- Payment for Show and Sale table
- Your Challenge Doll