February 2019 Newsletter
Upcoming Meetings
February 16 - Planning a Doll
March 16 - AFICC kit assembly
April 20 -Sewing Body Parts and Turning, Assembling a Doll Body?
May 18 - Joint Meeting with River City Group, cage doll challenge due
June 15 - Drawing and Sculpting a Doll Face
July 20 - Simple Doll Costuming
August 17 - Doll Hair
September 14 - Doll embellishments, wings, etc.
October 19 - 2019 Challenge Doll Judging of Ethnic/International Doll
November 16 - Reveal of Patti Culea Doll
December 14 - Annual Christmas Party
Please note: This agenda is tentative and subject to change
Member Birthdays
Happy Birthday Julie G. and Liz. Hope your days are full of sunshine and smiles!
January Meeting Minutes
Sadly our January meeting was cancelled due to weather conditions that would have made travel to the meeting very hazardous for our members.
Next Meeting
The meeting agendas will be altered for the remainder of the year. Our February meeting will be January's program on Planning a Doll.
A reminder that our yearly dues were due in January. If you did not already send Jude your payment you may pay at the February meeting or it's still not too late to send her your check.
Upcoming Challenges and Events
April 25-28, 2019 - AFICC in Columbus, Ohio
May 18, 2019 - River City Challenge "Cage Doll"
October 19 - 2019 Challenge Doll Judging of Ethnic/International Doll
November 23, 2019 - 17th Annual Show and Sale
February Checklist
- Nametag
- Dues
- Patti Culea books, patterns, or dolls you may have