Sunday, October 15, 2017

October 2017

October 2017 Newsletter
Dorset Buttons

Upcoming Meetings
October 21 - 2017 Challenge Doll Judging, Round Robin/Brown Bag Doll exchange
November 18 - 15th Annual Show and Sale
December 16 - Annual Christmas Party and Pin Cushion exchange

Member Birthdays
It is Barbara's birthday this month! Have a great day!

September Meeting Minutes
Present for the September meeting were Maggie, Martha, Ron, Janet, Joan, Katie, Julie W., Jude, Kathryn, and Andrea.

Show and Tell
Several people completed their faery dolls from Barabara Scheonoff's workshop. Katie completed two beautiful faeries.
Katie's Faeries

Martha finished one and is in the process of completing a second.
Martha's Faery

Martha's Faery in Progress

Janet also completed her faery.
Janet's Faery

Andrea  brought a Felt Wee Folk doll she made from a pattern of Salley Mavor.  She made it with pipe cleaners and a felt overlay with clothing she designed from an Italian national costume.  How sweet!  Great job, Andrea!!
Andrea's Wee Folk Italian Doll

Workshop teachers for next year are undecided at this time.  Andrea has agreed to pursue our possibilities.  Leslie has declined to return as vice-president for 2018. We will need someone as our 2018 vice-president as well as a publicity chair person.  Please consider these positions and let us know if you would like to fill one of these positions.  Also it is time to start thinking of programs you would like to have in 2018.  This is your club and we would like to present programs of interest to as many of you as possible.  Let us know of your ideas!
 Our 15th Annual Show and Sale is coming up on November 18.  If you are having a table at this event, please pay at the October meeting.  Items for your table should be hand-made by a member and not of resale nature.  Our Zoo Book pattern book will be for sale at this event.

Kathryn presented her program on how to create a Dorset Button.  There are so many possibilities in creating a finished button.  Thank you for your patience in teaching us this unique technique, Kathryn!!!
Kathryn teaching Jude

Ron and his Dorset Button

Upcoming Meeting
Our Picture Book Challenge dolls are due at our October meeting for judging.  The doll must be accompanied by a book or photo of/from a book, with title, author, and illustrator.
Also due at our October meeting are the Round Robin/Brown Bag Dolls.  These will have embellishments/accessories and be the finished doll to be returned to their original creator (although Andrea requested she keep them for a display at the Irvington Library, then taken to the Show and Sale for display there).

Upcoming Challenges and Events

October 20 & 21, 2017 - Indianapolis Quilt Guild Show at Westfield Middle School ($12 Admission)
October 21, 2017 -  Picture Book Challenge Doll Judging,  Round Robin/ Brown Bag Doll for return to its' owner.
November 18, 2017 - 15th Annual Show and Sale, People's Choice selection of the Picture Book Challenge Dolls 9-4

If anyone has questions about our doll club or would like to contact us, please email our club at

October Checklist
  • Nametag
  • Show and Tell
  • Picture Book Challenge doll
  • Round Robin/Brown Bag Doll