Upcoming Meetings
October 15 - Virginia - Finger Weaving, the Challenge Doll reveal and judging
and Cyndy Seiving with AFICC samples
and Cyndy Seiving with AFICC samples
November 19 - Annual Show and Sale
December 17 - Annual Christmas Party
Member Birthdays
September Meeting Minutes
For our fun meeting in September, the following members were present: Sue, Virginia, Kathryn, Julie G., Leslie, Maggie, Nita, Katie, Jude, Sara, Vicki, Julie W., Andrea, Mary, Ann C., Erin, Janet and Jennifer.
Show and Tell
Virginia shared that she has finished her schooling and has a job! Way to go, Virginia!
Nita brought her finished pin doll that she worked on at our September workshop. How cute!
Nita's pin dol |
Janet finished a new black bird from a design found in the book "the artful bird" by Abigail Patner Glassenberg. Good job, Janet!
Janet's Blackbird |
Janet's Bird Book |
Congratulations to Vicki who is a new great-grandmother!
Business Meeting
Ideas for programs for next year were discussed including ways of doing faces, constructing undergarments for dolls, lace making, and how to put metallic sparkle on fabric. If members have suggestions please let us know at the upcoming meetings or email one of the officers.
Maggie has a sign up sheet she is compiling for the November Show and Sale. Tables will be $10 per person. Email her if you have not already signed up and wish to have a table. We will be setting up for the show on Friday, November 18 from 4-6. Maggie will be there before that if you need to come earlier. Man power is needed to carry tables if anyone can bring that power source!
Katie will be bringing our photo postcards to this next meeting. If you can't come but want to get some postcards to mail or post somewhere, contact Katie and arrangements can be made for you to get some. Katie will be stepping down from being publicity chairman this coming year. She has done a great job and will share as much as she can with the new chairperson. Let one of the officers know if you are interested in this position.
Julie G. is collecting items for the silent auction for the pre-school at the Irvington United Methodist Church where we are having our show and sale. If you have something you would like to donate for the auction, please give it to Julie G. by the October meeting or if you can't come to the meeting, contact Julie G and make arrangements with her.
Sue is collecting names of those who will have a pattern to contribute to the addition to our Pattern Book. The pattern doesn't have to be a doll and any size pattern may be used. These new patterns will be due at our January 2017 meeting.
Program of the Month
Katie presented a demonstration and work-a-long on her technique for needle sculpting eyes. She adapted her technique from techniques by Gloria "Mimi" Winer and Barbara Schoenoff. Mimi is a fabulous dollmaker and has tutorials, CDs and DVDs available at Dollmakers Journey. Her CDs and DVDs are very well done and detailed for dollmakers of all levels from beginner to advanced. Katie highly recommends her DVD entitled "Needle Model a Pretty Face". Barbara teaches online classes at A For Artistic and has patterns available at Dollmakers Journey. Both of these ladies are wonderful dollmakers and we can learn so much from them. Be sure to check out their patterns and classes. Thanks Katie for such an informative program and sharing your technique. It definitely is one to try on one of our future dolls!
Katie's Demo |
Katie's Demo |
One of Katies' doll faces |
Applying the overlay |
Next Meeting
You won't want to miss our October meeting. Our Elements challenge dolls will be revealed and then judged by Cyndy Seiving. She will also be bringing AFICC sample projects! If you are bringing a challenge doll, please provide something with its' name and a short description including any special techniques you may have used. Do not put your name on this description.
While she is judging the dolls, we will twiddle our fingers with Virginia who will teach us her finger weaving techniques. She suggested you bring scissors if you are participating in her demo.
Upcoming Challenges
October 15, 2016 Indy Cloth Dollmakers Challenge - The Elements (for Judging)
November 4-6 - Jelly Roll Challenge and Retreat at Threads of Time
November 19, 2016 Show and Sale - People's Choice selection of the Challenge Dolls
May 20, 2017 - Tarot Doll Challenge with River City Dollmakers
October Meeting Checklist
- Nametag
- Show and Tell
- Elements Challenge Doll
- Scissors for Virginia's fingerweaving