Upcoming Meetings
August 20 - Photo shoot and swap meet
September 17 - Katie - Fiber Optic Fabric and Sue's UFO Challenge
October 15 - Virginia - Finger Weaving and the Challenge Doll reveal and judging
November 19 - Annual Show and Sale
December 17 - Annual Christmas Party
Member Birthdays
We are happy to help Andrea and Sara celebrate their birthdays this month!
July Meeting Minutes
Members present for our July meeting were Janet, Ron, Julie G., Nita, Mary, Sue, Virginia, Andrea, Jude, Katie, Julie W., Leslie, Erin, Ann C., and Ann R. Jennifer came as a guest and went away as a member! Welcome, Jennifer!
Show and Tell
Sue was excited to share that her doll entries in the Ohio State Fair did very well! She had
1 third, 2 seconds, 1 first and Best of Show! Congratulations, Sue! Well done!
Nita showed us her Bouffon doll she made at a recent retreat. The pattern is by Karen Shifton.
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Nita's Bouffon |
Julie G. and Jude each completed 2 Scribbles dolls to add to those we are giving to the Children's Bureau. Thank you both for your contributions!
Julie G. recently took Joan's book workshop and brought 2 completed books she made. Nice, Julie!
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Julie's Books |
Ron finished Sue's workshop doll named Grace. Good job, Ron!
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Ron's Grace |
Andrea showed us her Mom Sewing Kit she had made. What a great project!
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Outside of Andreas Sewing Kit |
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Inside of Andrea's Sewing Kit
Business Meeting
Our fall workshop dates have been changed. It will be Sunday, September 4 and Monday, September 5 (Labor Day). This will be more like a retreat since we are not having a specific doll to make. You may bring anything you would like to work on and spend time with your dollmaking friends. It would be a good time to work on your UFOs. We will be having the workshop at the Irvington Library where we have our monthly meetings.
Sue has once again challenged us to complete another UFO. Bring your UFO to the August meeting so we can see what you are working on, then bring your completed UFO to the September meeting.
Virginia is getting us all pumped up for AFICC and something about tiaras! We can all be dollmaking princesses and queens! But maybe we need a crown for Ron?
We discussed a hands on project for AFICC. If you have any suggestion for a make-it take-it project, please share it with us!
A new or expanded Indy Cloth Dollmakers Pattern book was discussed. Sue is willing to take on the project. Please let her know if you have a pattern to add to the book.
After our meeting, Sue presented a program on making organza wings. We all worked along and made a wing. Each one was different. What a fun technique to share with us, Sue! Thank you!
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Sue's work shop wing |
Completed workshop wing
Next Meeting
At our August meeting we will have a swap meet. It is a chance to give away some of those things you thought you would use and haven't and make room for new things you might actually use!
Mr. Odell will be doing a photo shoot of any 3 dolls you want him to photograph. There is a fee for this so, bring payment and bring your own flash drive to load the photos to. He will also photograph the winners of last years challenge dolls for this years annual show and sale postcard, so winners be sure and bring those dolls!
Upcoming Challenges
October 15, 2016 Indy Cloth Dollmakers Challenge - The Elements (for Judging)
First Weekend in November - Jelly Roll Challenge at Threads of Time
November 19, 2016 Show and Sale - People's Choice selection of the Challenge Dolls
August Meeting Checklist
- Nametag
- Show and Tell
- Dolls for photo shoot and flashdrive