2025 Upcoming meetings
January 18 - Andrea TBD
February 15 - TBD
March 15 - TBD
April 19 - TBD
May 17 - TBD
June 21 - TBD
July 19 - TBD
August 16 - TBD
September 20 - TBD
October 18 - TBD
November 15 - TBD
December 20 - Christmas Party
January Birthdays
Joan is our only birthday girl this month. Wishing you a HEALTHY year ahead, Joan!!!
December 21, 2024 Meeting Minutes
Present for the December meeting were Julie W., Ann C., Julie G., Leslie, Mary, Katie, Deb, Ann R., Andrea, Barbara, and Jude.
Show and Tell
Katie brought her beautiful "Makena". Her skin fabric is hand dyed.
Katie's "Makena" |
Deb brought a doll she had made that the features had bled. Virginia had showed her how to cover the face with gesso and mod podge, sanding in between and then adding features which would not blead. She was very pleased with the outcome. Great job, Deb!
Deb's redone face doll |
Barbara brought her "Crow Woman" doll made with beautiful fabrics from her stash.
Barb's "Crow Woman" front |
Barb's "Crow Woman" back |
Our November annual Art Doll Show and Holiday Fair was reviewed. There were many wonderful dolls, however attendance was down a bit. Plans for better advertising were discussed as well as the possibility of changing the date.
The possibility of doing another round robin doll was discussed. It might be something that would start later in the year.
The May meeting may be a joint meeting with another group. A committee will be planning that.
Our January meeting will be a planning meeting for the 2025 programs. Some suggestions were how to make armatures, using Gesso for faces, what inks to use in making faces, how to create your own fabric for your doll, how to make accessories (glasses, umbrellas, shoes, etc.), sculpting character faces, how to make anatomically correct torsos.
Our guest class instructor on April 12-13 will be our own Barbara Schoenoff. She brought her dolls to show what we will be doing. The dolls themselves will not be done in class, cut the making of the Beast head to fit the prince will be the focus.
Barbara's "Belle" front |
Barbara's "Belle" back |
Barbara's Prince front |
Barbara's Prince back |
Barbara's Beast head front |
Barbara's Beast head back |
One of Barbara's hidden talents is gargling a Christmas song which she demonstrated for us.
Barb's song |
Food, Gift Exchange, Challenge for 2025
As always this was a fun Holiday Party. Great food and what wonderful gifts were exchanged.
Voting for the 2025 Challenge

The category with the most votes and winner for the 2025 Challenge Doll is "Fictional Character" which could be from a book, movie, or play.
Next Meeting
Our next meeting is January 18, 2025, at the Irvington Branch Library at 10:00 a.m. Our meeting room is on the right upon entering the library. This will be a planning meeting for the programs for 2025. We will also confirm officers for 2025. All current officers have agreed to continue in their respective rolls.
5625 East Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46219
Future Events
April 12-13 - Barbara's Beast class
Check list for January meeting
Show and Tell
Dues for 2025
Ideas for programs for 2025