2025 Upcoming meetings
February Birthdays
Julie G. and Liz celebrate their birthdays this month. Have a great day ladies!
Meeting Minutes
Present for the January meeting were Mary, Katie, Deb, Andrea, Jude, Julie W., Ann C., Leslie, and Julie G. Deb was our nametag winner.
Show and Tell
Deb completed a mermaid from a pattern in a book she had. Notice the webbed hands!
Deb's mermaid |
Mary brought some Belgium lace placemats she had received with proof of authenticity
Mary's Belgium lace placemats |
Andrea brought a UFO that a friend had given her. Note that it came in a Zayre bag! It had a bunch of bunny pieces that needed put together. Deb volunteered to take it and see if she could complete it. We can't wait to see it, Deb!
Andrea's Zayre bag UFO |
Andrea's "Pixie Dust" |
"Pixie Dust" Sisters |
Official officer election has been put off until next meeting when more members are present.
The 2025 Challenge is a character from a book, movie or play. The completed display should include a picture of the inspiration.
Plans for the 2025 spring class with Barbara Schoenoff's Beast head were reviewed. Jude will email the class patterns when she receives them. Excitement is building for this fabulous class!
The May meeting may be a joint meeting with another group. Leslie is working on the plans for this meeting.
Andrea announced plans for our group to display our dolls in Greenfield with the IN Fiber group. It will be in the month of May. More details to come.
Our program was planning what programs to do at our meetings in 2025. They can be seen at the top of this newsletter.
Next Meeting